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Contatti consulenza immobiliare Imperia e Savona

Property assistance

Houses and commercial activities for sale

Restoration, new construction and remodeling


Restoration, new construction and remodeling

Services with a common factor: high quality

Whether you require the restoration of your rustic house (rustico), the professional renovation of your villa or assistance with obtaining building permits, my partners and I are at your service.

Restauro e ristrutturazione province di Imperia e Savona

Thanks to my many years of experience in the construction industry and my personal contacts with skilled craftsmen I can assist you with all aspects of reconstruction or a new construction. Whether you wish to professionally renovate your stone house or come up with new ideas and solutions for your interior, I can help you get transparent cost estimates that confer with state regulations as well as assist with all legal matters.

During the construction phase, I am responsible for project management and will inform you regularly concerning the progress of your dream property. This means that I constantly check both the budget and the schedule so you can lean back and relax.

I can also take care of your landscaping, the approval and construction of swimming pools as well as the care of your property through my network of tried and tested tradesmen.

Giardinaggio e progettazione piscine

Here are some examples of our work on construction sites